

I’m up at sunrise for the lifting ceremony of one of the largest flags we’ve ever seen. We are berthed below it in the Baja Naval Boatyard marina. At the price of $1.60usd/foot, it’s not as cheap as chips or a place you hang around long at but we can afford a few nights here to rest!

Walk to immigration and customs and are cleared in. Full day of site seeing around town and purchasing odds and ends for the boat. Max lost a head torch on the last passage so we got another lamp.

Went to the oldest bar in Mexico (Hussong's Cantina) which was established in 1892! In its original location from 130 years ago and is definitely the hot spot in town. Mariachi bands pile in and out of the cantina all night. Max gets into the tequila and I stick to the cerveza. We go well into the night shot after shot. Maximes fluent Spanish skills make everyone he speaks to laugh. He’s got a warm personality that makes people feel comfortable. A warm welcome from the friendly locals.

We are back to the boat before sunrise that’s for sure.


Tacos, cervezas, walking, smiling folks, tubas, accordions.

We come across a super salty, heavy duty, explorer looking aluminum vessel a few berths down that just showed up. The name says ‘Oxyd’ with a young couple on board that appear to be Scandinavian.

After we see them having a Tecade cervaza right before noon, we were instantly attracted to the couple. They had more character than all these other rich yacht owners. We share a beer and swap cruiser guides with David and Kailey from Washington state USA.

David has been sailing around the world for 2 years thus far. Last May he made it all the way up to Chatterbox Falls at the head of the Princess Louisa Inlet on the west coast of British Columbia. It’s always been on my list to sail into this area. They turned back south after reaching Alaska! His next destination after Mexico involves the South Pacific including French Polynesia and eventually New Zealand! Safe to say he’s taking the scenic route around the globe. What a great couple to exchange some stories with. They are leaving tomorrow am for Turtle Bay (Bahia Tortugas) as well so we will buddy boat and race down there. We planned on leaving today but thankfully did not due to lack of winds, hangover, and the opportunity to have some company going south. At least over VHF?

We split an Uber with Oxyd  to go to a fishing store to purchase supplies to make bungee hand reels and make some squid pattern patterns. First and Biggest fish will be the contest we agree on. Along with first to arrive in Turtle Bay I suppose. David’s reckons we’ll get there first because of hull length water speed and we figure they will arrive first because of their 7,000 pound race boat rig.

I take a walk down the boardwalk and run into a full band with a great sounding Tuba player.

“Give me the horn section or nothing at all”




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